Imre Makovecz DLA, architect
Budapest, Hungary, 1935
1999 DLA level
1959 Degree, Technical University, Budapest
1959-62 BUVÁTI Design Studio
1962-71 Szövterv Design Studio
1971-77 VÁTI Design Studio
1977-81 Pilis Forestry - Architect
1981-91 Makona Associated Architects, Leader Architect
1991 MAKONA Architectural Studio, Leader Architect
Other Activities:
1981 Lecturer on the Hungarian Academy of Applyed arts and Technical University in Budapest
1987 Lecturer of the International Academy of Architects
1988 Chairman of the board of trustees at Országépíto Foundation
1992 Chairman of the Hungarian Academi of Arts
1993-98 Chairman of the board of directors in the Porcelain Manufacture of Herend
1996-98 Member of the editoral board of the newspaper "Magyar Nemzet"
1969 Ybl Miklós-award
1987 Honour Fellow of The American Institut of Architects
1990 Kossuth-award
1992 Honour Fellowship, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
1993 Honorary Degree of Doctor, The University of Dundee
1996 Hungarian Heritage Award
1997 Gold Medal, L'Académy D Architecture
1998 Honorary Fellowship, Royal Institut of British Architects
1999 Steindl Imre Award
2001 Corvin chain honoured
2003 Príma Primissima Award
«Non si può pensare un'architettura senza pensare alla gente.» Richard Rogers