1898 born at Kuortane on February 3rd
1916 matriculation from Jyväskylä Classical Lyceum
1921 diploma of architecture at the Institute of Technology, Helsinki
1923-27 private architectural office in Jyväskylä (from 1924 in collaboration with Aino Aalto)
1924 married to architect Aino Marsio (1894-1949)
1927-33 private architectural office in Turku
1933- private architectural office in Helsinki
1943-58 Chairman of the Association of Finnish Architects SAFA (Honorary Member since 1958)
1946-48 Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology M.I.T. (Cambridge, USA)
1952 married to architect Elissa Mäkiniemi
1955- member of the Finnish Academy (Emeritus Member since 1968)
1963-68 President of the Finnish Academy
1976 died in Helsinki on May 11th
- 1918 - 1919, Aalto's parents' house renovation
- 1921 - 1923, Kauhajärvi Church, belltower
- 1922, Industrial Exhibition
- 1924 - 1925, Apatment building
- 1924 - 1926, Civil Guard Buildings
- 1925, Summer house
- 1925, Casa Laurén
- 1926, Villa Flora
- 1927 - 1935, Municiplal Library
- 1929 - 1933, Sanatorio di Paimo
- 1937 - 1938, Terrace House
- 1938 - 1939, Villa Mairea
- 1939, Finnish Pavilion NY
- 1947 - 1949, Baker House Dormitory MIT
- 1949 - 1974, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo
- 1949 - 1964, Otaniemi Institute of Technology
- 1950 - 1952, Municipio di Säynätsalo
- 1952 - 1953, Experimental House
- 1953 - 1956, National Pensions Building
- 1953 - 1956, Studio Aalto
- 1955 - 1958, Church of Vuoksenniska
- 1956 - 1959, Maison Louis Carré
- 1956 - 1959, Cultural Centre of Wolsburg and Community Centre
- 1957 - 1962, The Museum of Central Finland
- 1958 - 1987, Town Centre
- 1959 - 1963, Cultural Centre
- 1959, Maison Carré
- 1959 - 1962, Enso Gutzeit headquater
- 1961 - 1966, Library
- 1961 - 1965, Kaufman Conference Rooms
- 1962 - 1964, Università Tecnica di Otaniemi
- 1962, Community Centre
- 1962 - 1969, Academic Bookshop
- 1962 - 1971, Finlandia Hall
- 1964 - 1970, Library of Helsinki University of Tecnology, Espoo
- 1965 - 1968, Casa d'appartamenti
- 1965 - 1975, Edificio amministrativo per la City Electric Co.
- 1966 - 1972, Art Museum
- 1966 - 1970, City office building
- 1967 - 1970, Mount Angel Abbey Library - Benedectine College
- 1969 - 1975, Lappia House
- 1971 - 1973, Alvar Aalto Museum
- 1973, Fire-testing laboratory
- 1975, Congrss Wing of the Finlandia Hall
- 1975, Mid-West Institute of Scandinavian Culture is only the plan.
- 1975 - 1979, Church of Lahti
«Prevedibilità dell'oggetto, imprevedibilità della vita.» Paulo Mendes da Rocha