Immagine opera selezionata non disponibile. Città ideale (autore sconosciuto), Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino


Shaped as five dancing T's rotated and placed in a green folded landscape, T-Husene contains commercial space and residential space. Leaving behind the standard typology of residential perimeter blocks, the five T's are placed on a commercial landscape based on the concept of urban porosity.

The dancing T's with colored and reflective undersides carve the sky within the green folded space. Inspired by twilight and the Scandinavian sky, the T-shaped buildings maximize high quality residential floor space with views to the horizon and sunset. Building downwards from the maximum height level, taking into consideration maximum view, each tower will contain 46 apartments in 24 different configurations. At the same time, the working environment of the commercial area is improved by the green folded landscape, allowing the nature reserve to flow from the Amager Fælled through Ørestad onto the green square in the east.

Autonomy, individuation, and particularity are integral parts of the design for each apartment and tower. This project sets an example for new residential typologies connecting to the individual instead to the mass.

T-Husene is part of Ørestad, a new town located less than ten minutes away from historic Copenhagen by metro, in close proximity to Scandinavia's main airport and connected directly to Malmø in Sweden. The beauty of Ørestad is to be found in the combination between density, the preservation of nature and the fast metro connection with the existing city. It is a sharp contrast to the American urban sprawl which is characterised by highways and endless seas of houses.

High quality natural materials and sustainable solutions for future challenges will be an integral part of the project. (by Steven Holl Architettos)

«L'ornamento è sicuramente il prodotto delle nostre capacità secondarie.» Heinrich Tesseonw